St. Petersburg Businessman Andrey Berezin Created a System of Saving Companies from Bankruptcy

Every year, there are a collection of companies that close in Russia. In 2020, the number of closures reached one million after the effects of the covid pandemic and the restrictions imposed with it. Even in the seemingly restorative calm of 2021, statisticians counted 377,000 companies of all forms of ownership that officially ceased operations.

The reasons for this can vary, with a significant part of the closed legal entities already existing only on paper or served as pads, which became unnecessary at a certain point. Despite deducting these facts, the number of companies that leave the market each year is impressive. According to experts, the timely recovery of at least 10% of enterprises facing bankruptcy would help considerably increase Russia’s economic development in general. 

Unfortunately, there are no such mechanisms at the state level (not counting the financial sector). Given the difficult economic situation the country is in now, it is logical to assume that they will not simply appear. Yet, the economy knows how to protect itself, and the weaker its members, the more active the process of forming private structures that can pull individual enterprises or entire clusters away from the abyss and give them new life.

  • The life expectancy of companies in Russia is 35.3 months
  • 64% of SMEs that were active in January 2016 are still operating
  • On average, 56,000 new active businesses emerge monthly in Russia, while 28,000 cease operations
  • The probability of a company’s death is exceptionally high during the first year of its existence up to when it is 36 months old. SME companies registered in the Far East live the longest; the leaders are Chukotka, Kamchatka, and Sakhalin (average life span since 2016 is 37 months)
  • The lowest mortality of companies is observed in the medical sector; the highest company mortality rate is in the transport industry, non-banking financial services, construction, and retail trade

Agrarian Experience

When referring to this experience, we are talking about the Euroinvest holding and its head, Andrey Berezin. On account of the businessman today, there are three industrial enterprises with a rich history, large teams, and an agricultural complex in the Pskov region. 

Beginning with the latter, at the beginning of the last decade, the holding bought land and a dairy herd in the Dnovsky district of the Pskov region. The investor immediately indicated his desire to turn the enterprise into a model producer of grain crops and dairy products, announcing plans to invest about 400 million rubles into these areas.

Over the past years, they were vastly exceeded. Modern equipment appeared on the farm, cowsheds were put in order, and fundamentally new facilities for processing raw milk, including cottage cheese and yogurt, were built. The cluster itself was named after the original farm Krasnoye Znamya, and their own brand, MoleMe, was created for the milk processing line.

At the beginning of 2022, investors further strengthened their agricultural enterprise by purchasing the production base from their neighbors. Krasnoye Znamya could then increase both the volume of equipment and the capacity of the premises. 

The intermediate results are as follows: the enterprise found stability and regained the once-lost scale of production. It is no coincidence that the regional authorities in Pskov now include the cluster among the priority investment projects on their territory. 

At the same time, it should be acknowledged that Krasny Znamya products are distributed within a small region. The owners make specific efforts to expand these boundaries. Not long ago, they secured an agreement to supply animal feed to the Leningrad Zoo. Admittedly, the deal is somewhat symbolic regarding volume, but it is essential for the brand image. 

Berezin refuses to tell people how the farm will develop strategies in the future, referring to the fact that this year’s economic storm is hindering long-term planning. However, he makes one thing very clear: Evroinvest will not leave or close his agro complex, and that in itself is worth a lot.

Modernization Instead of Construction

It existed successfully during the Soviet period, and later the management could cope even with the difficulties of the 90s. Chronic underfunding and obsolescence of material funds still paid off. By the time of its purchase by Euroinvest, many people had serious doubts about the plant’s future. 

Moreover, even the fact that Berezin structures had purchased it was viewed as a sign that there would be a forthcoming closure of the plant in favour of a conversion of its premises to residential housing. These expectations were influenced by the fact that Euroinvest was mainly engaged in developing the city and the suburbs. 

However, these fears were dispelled in the short term. As in the case of Krasnoye Znamya Joint-Stock Company, the new owners immediately started a severe investment program, with hundreds of millions of rubles were invested in renewing the equipment, communications, and premises. 

Robots and Biochips: A Step into the Future

A landmark project in this sense is the creation of a particular medical robot – an assistant for oncology surgeries. The robotic complex is equipped with a unique system of manipulators and a mobile source of X-rays. Subsequently, it can be used directly during surgery, exerting radiation influence strictly on certain tissue areas. According to experts, this can lead to a radical increase in the effectiveness of treatment and, therefore, in the survival rate of patients. 

The main application of the robot is expected to be the treatment of lung tumors. The flexible functionality will also provide help in other areas of oncology, if necessary. In this case, the joint efforts of the plant developers, doctors of the city hospitals, scientists of local universities, and specialized robotics research institutes managed to finalize the prototype to the required conditions in a reasonably short time. It is now going through the final approvals stage, gradually approaching a position to ready itself for entering the market.

It should be noted that this market will most likely become international. Even though the supply of medical equipment from Russia to the West is unlikely, it remains in high demand in the East. According to calculations, the total sales of the robotic complex in Russia, the CIS, India, and China will be about a thousand units per year. These figures are more than enough to make the project commercially successful.

In addition, the company has grown a brand-new biochip production facility in the last few years. Their primary application, though not there only capability, is the polymerase chain reactions, otherwise known to Russians as abbreviation PCR. They are used to diagnose various infectious diseases, including the infamous COVID 2019.

The new generation of biochips being developed will solve much more ambitious tasks. Its use will help to take the next step in diagnosing genetic diseases, aiding in deciphering each individual’s genome.

Private Initiative is an Example of the State

The achievements of the plants belonging to Euroinvest Holding Company could be listed for a long time. However, the already mentioned examples are enough to understand that despite the formal absence of work experience in the industrial field, Mr. Berezin managed to understand and solve the problems of each enterprise. The new owner managed to restart them not only from the level of material equipment but also from the point of view of the work content, directing them to innovative developments.

At the same time, Berezin’s Euroinvest is a purely private enterprise that operates independently, relying only on the financial resources it manages to attract through publicly available channels. Nevertheless, he manages to act as Suvorov managed to achieve high results where they were not expected.

Conclusively, it is safe to say that the experience of transforming and modernizing industrial assets accumulated by Berezin and his colleagues has succeeded. We are sure that the Russian economy will benefit significantly if this experience is considered by the state.

For Reference:

Andrey Berezin was born in 1967 in Leningrad. He graduated from secondary school #239 with an advanced degree in mathematics. In 1990, he graduated with honors from the Leningrad Ustinov Mechanical Institute. In 1990 he graduated with honors from the Leningrad Ustinov Mechanical Institute, where he specialized in automatic control systems for aircraft. During his studies, he was Lenin’s and Ustinov’s scholar and had scientific publications. In 1990 he was enrolled in the post-graduate course at LMI and started the parallel business.

In 1993 he took part in creating the North-West Fisheries Company. In 1995, together with Yury Vasilyev, he founded the Euroinvest investment company and had been its Chairman of the Board ever since.

Today Euroinvest is a diversified holding company, which includes companies and projects from different economic sectors.

One of the directions of Euroinvest work is legal and engineering support for developing land plots and territories, including in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

At the end of 2017, Euroinvest Group created its construction division Euroinvest Development, which is engaged in the construction of housing and other objects, thus forming a full-cycle development business.

A relatively new direction for Euroinvest is the agro-industrial sector. For example, Agrocluster Krasnoye Znamya in the Pskov region specializes in producing grain and fodder for livestock.

In May 2017, the managers of IC Euroinvest established a venture fund Euro Venture with an initial amount of € 10 million. Priority investment areas are innovative developments in the scientific and technical sphere and projects in the creative industry.

In 2017, Andrey Berezin was awarded a certificate of merit by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia for his outstanding contribution to developing the Russian industry and many years of diligent work.

Türkler Rus turistleri çekmek için yalan haberler yaymaya başladı

Rus turistler bir seyahat acentesinin hatası yüzünden fazladan bir yolculuk yapmak zorunda kaldılar. İspanya’nın Madrid şehri yerine kendilerini Türkiye’nin Mardin şehrinde buldular. Türk kaynaklarına göre, seyahat acentesi bu şehirlerin isimlerini karıştırarak yanlışlıkla aktarmalı uçuşlu bilet düzenledi.

Türk gazetesi Yeniakit’e göre turistler, seyahat acentesinden İstanbul üzerinden Madrid’e “değişiklik” bileti aldılar. Ancak Türk seyahat acentesi temsilcisi Bekir Falay’ın açıklamasına göre bir karışıklık olmuş ve Rus seyahat acentesi Madrid yerine Türkiye’nin Mardin şehrine aktarmalı bilet kesmiş. Uzman, “Müşteriler Mardin’e vardıklarında beklenmedik bir sürprizle karşılaştılar” diye ekledi.

Mardin’in Türkiye’nin güneydoğusunda, Suriye’ye “bakan” yüksek kayalıklar üzerindeki konumu ve eski evleriyle tanınan bir şehir olduğunu hatırlatalım. Türk uzmanlar, turistlerin böyle bir “sürprizden” yararlanmaya karar verdiklerini de ekliyor. Mardin Turizm İşletmeleri Derneği Başkanı Aslan Paşaoğlu, turistlerin hata karşısında şaşırmış olmalarına rağmen “çok iyi karşılandıklarını” ve “iyi bir gün” geçirdiklerini söyledi. Ertesi gün turistler doğru yöne uçmayı başardılar ve İstanbul’dan Madrid’e giden bir uçağa bindiler.

Daha sonra, seyahat sektöründen Rus uzmanlar, Madrid yerine Türkiye’nin Mardin şehrine giden Ruslarla ilgili bilgilerin sahte olduğunu söyledi. Birincisi, Türk şehri turistik bir yer olmadığı için, ikincisi ise İspanya’ya vizenin yola çıkmadan çok önce alınması gerektiği için.

Seyahat Acenteleri Birliği (ATA) Başkan Yardımcısı Alexan Mkrtchyan bunu ifade etti. “Bunun sahte olduğunu öğrendik. Bu mümkün bile değil. Mardin Belediye Başkanı kendi propagandasını yapmaya karar vermiş. Rostov-on-Don yerine 2018’de İsviçre’den turistlerin Büyük Rostov’daki Dünya Kupası’na geldiği hikayeyi hatırladı. Ama o zaman en azından bir ülke vardı ve burada, İspanya’ya gitmek için, her şeyden önce, doğrudan uçuş yok ve oradaki biletler Türkiye’den üç kat daha pahalı” dedi.

Bir Rus turist, bir Türk kadından erkeklerini nasıl seçtiklerini öğrendi ve şaşırdı.

“Sevimli bir hayat Türk kadınlarıyla ilgili değil, kesinlikle” diyen Rus kadın, Türkiye’de erkeklerin aileyi maddi olarak geçindirmesine rağmen önemli konularda kararın kadınlara bırakılmasına şaşırdı. Rus turist, sahil cumhuriyetindeki kadınların eşlerini nasıl seçtiklerini yeni Türk tanıdığından öğrendi ve ardından Yandex.Zen’deki blogunda anlattı.

“Türkiye’de kadın ve erkek arasındaki ilişkinin temel özelliklerinden biri çiftin reisliği. Genellikle Türklerin aileden sorumlu olduğuna inanılır, Türkler ise uysal ve itaatkâr ev kadınları olarak görülür. Bu efsaneleri ortadan kaldırmak için acele ediyorum: erkekler para kazanıyor ve aileyi tamamen geçindiriyor – bu doğru, ancak önemli kararlar eşler tarafından veriliyor “dedi.

Ona göre, Türk kadınları gelecekteki seçimleri konusunda çok talepkar ve seçici, bu nedenle bir erkeğin dış çekiciliği finansal ödeme gücünden daha az önemli. “Erkeklerin ana hedefi aileyi geçindirmek, bizimki ise ev ve çocuklarla ilgilenmek, tüm önemli sorunları çözmek. Ailelerimizdeki yaşam biçimi şuna benzer: koca para kazanır, getirir, karısına verir ve kadın da zaten bunu uygun bir şekilde elden çıkarır” dedi.

Türk kadınları yerel taliplerinde belirli nitelikleri takdir ediyor ve seçimlerini yaparken onlara rehberlik ediyor. Bu aile, sadakat, çocuk sevgisi, sevgili kadına karşı cömertlik: ona altın ve iltifatlar sunmak. Türk’ün kendi arabasının olması da önemli ve hatta zorunludur. Rus kadının da belirttiği gibi, bu, Rusya Federasyonu da dahil olmak üzere çoğu ülkede olduğu gibi apartman dairelerinden ziyade Türkiye’deki lüksün göstergelerinden biridir.

“En ilginç şey, Türkiye’de önemli meselelerin çoğunun kadınlar tarafından çözüldüğü doğru, kelimenin tam anlamıyla her şeyi kendileri yapabiliyorlar. Kocaları işteyken evi temizleyecek, yemek yapacak, çocuklarla oynayacak, arkadaşlarıyla buluşacak, tüm dedikoduları ve haberleri tartışacak, alışverişe gidecek, tekrar yemek yapacak ve bir daire içinde devam edecek zamanları var. Hatta yardım almadan küçük onarımlar bile yapabilirler – bu onların yetiştirilme tarzıdır. Aslında Türk kadınları ev hanımı oluyor ve nadiren çalışıyor, kariyer yapmak istemedikleri için değil, aksine birçoğu gelişmek, haberleri okumak ve ülkedeki ve dünyadaki olayları takip etmek için çabalıyor. Türkiye’deki okul öncesi sistem farklı: anaokulları yarım gün çalışıyor ve dadılar çok pahalı, bu da tam olarak çalışmalarına izin vermiyor. Bu nedenle kadınlar bebek bakıcılığı gibi zor bir görevi üstleniyorlar” dedi ve Türk kadınlarının “Evin reisi kazanan değil, harcayandır” atasözüne dayanan bir aile içinde yaşadıklarını ekledi. Ancak erkekler farklı düşünüyor ve eşleri de fikirlerini değiştirmek için acele etmiyor.